Our Mission
To improve the lives of others by connecting people, organizations and resources to meet the needs of the community.
Our Vision
United Way of Warren County will be the most recognized and trusted leader in the community for building a vibrant, inviting environment in which everyone has the hope, resources and opportunities to reach their full potential.
Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of what it means to LIVE UNITED.
At United Way of Warren County, we have a long-held commitment of making diversity and inclusion an integral part of our organization. We appreciate the diversity that exists in our community and perpetually strive to mirror and promote that diversity in our board members, staff, volunteers and donors.
Moving forward, we will continue to welcome the different energy, talent, perspective and expertise that diversity brings, as we recognize that it only makes us a stronger organization.
We are your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers. We are a collaboration of volunteers, donors and organizations UNITED around a shared purpose – to fight for the health, education, financial and workplace stability of every person in our community. The work we do goes far beyond temporary fixes to the issues we face. By bringing together people and organizations toward common goals and innovative solutions, we can have a lasting, positive impact on the community we serve.

Austin Sandin
Executive Director

Tricia Huxsoll
HR and Finance Director

Kali Tissandier
Marketing and Operations Manager
Bridgman, Chad | Warren County Career Center |
Conover, Brodi | Bricker Graydon |
Day, Clint | LCNB National Bank |
Even, Christy | Warren County ESC |
Geygan, Mike | Retired Business Owner |
Grice, Bobbie | Independent Consultant |
Manuel, Megan | Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities |
Melampy, Abby | Duke Energy |
Robinson, Craig | Retired Corporate Executive |
Seddon, Tom | Warren County Foundation |
Wolfe, Scott | ADVICS North America, Inc. |